Sunday 2024

Sunday 2024
Gregory Kuiper Allie Irwin Alan Sands Barbara Baumgartner Barry Koen-Butt Cally Rempis Chandra Petersen Claudia Rickard Conny Wladkowski Cristodora Buiculescu Curtis Floth Dan Goyette Dave Morris Debbie Papadakis Derrick Watkins Desiree Holmes Scherini Eugenia Morefield Frank Prince Freddy Jacquin Martin Castor Geoff Mires Grant Murrell Gwendelyn Kay Irey Hena Husain Hester Lubin Ina Oostrom Janet Rapala Jason Linnet Jason Tollen Jassteena Dhawan Jeffrey Richards Jenny Bitner Jess Marion Jordan Wolen Joseph Onesta Kathleen Wandasiewicz Kevin Cole Kryssa Bowman Lani Gonzales Lata Viseu Laura King Lori Hammond Marina Kostina Mary Welp Matt Dickson Melissa Tiers Melissa Wild Michael DeSchalit Michael Pappas Michael Werner Mona Abdulrahim Santl Natalia Szymkowiak Holly Stokes Neelam Ashfaq Nickolas Natale Olga Zvereva Peter Blum Robert Harrison Rory Oleson Samantha Garcia Scoti Wagner Scott Duvall Seth Deborah Roth Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas Sherry Gilbert Simone Seol Steve Roehm Terry Blome Nicholas Spohn Thomas Bell Thomas Quinlan Timothy September TJ Ziebell Tracy Riley Tommy Vee Rich Guzzi

Gregory Kuiper

Title: The Seven Psychodynamics of a Symptom - A Roadmap for Choosing Therapeutic Techniques

Bio: I'm a Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist (BCH) and a Certified Hypnosis Instructor (CI). I have a hypnosis clinic in Montreal, Canada. I practice and teach Client Centered Hypnosis utilizing the methodology pioneered by Charles Tebbetts and Roy Hunter.

Talk Description: Clients often fail to respond to positive suggestions but don’t make it obvious as to why. There may be one or more basic reasons for the subconscious to block the client’s desire to change. Charles Tebbetts categorized these basic reasons into what he called “The Seven Psychodynamics of a Symptom”.

Tebbetts believed that a client under hypnosis is more likely to disclose the real cause of their problem than a hypnotist speculating on a real or imagined cause intellectually. Tebbetts believed that even when a client held an opinion at a cognitive level, the best answer was still inside the inner mind, buried deep inside the subconscious.

By asking a series of seven specific questions, a hypnotist is able to to uncover the source of the client's subconscious resistance to change and thus the hypnotist is relieved of the task of having to look for the problem on a cognitive level. These questions can be answered by the client using ideo-motor signalling with finger responses. We will examine this technique and learn a simple way to implement it.

Allie Irwin

Title: Beyond Words: Decoding Body Language for Hypnotists

Bio: As a “recovering” mechanical engineer, Allie Irwin used to find people very confusing. So she channeled her problem solving prowess into studying human behavior and developed extensive expertise in body language, lie detection, personality science, hypnosis and integrative change work. Now as a seasoned expert in deciphering human behavior, she crafts custom trainings that blends humor & hard science to help people build trust with their clients (and themselves) through congruent communications.

Talk Description: As hypnotists, you know that reading your client’s body language gives us a window into their unconscious. In this class, you’ll hone your skills by playing my signature “Name That Sign” game so that you can begin to notice and use those body language signs even more purposefully. This creates congruency between your own verbal and nonverbal messages and is the fast track to building trust and rapport. You’ll seem like a mind reader (because you are). Knowing these signs can also be used to get a window into your own unconscious on the fly. (Hmmm, why’d I just do that weird thing? Now you’ll know.) Come to this session and you’ll feel like a whole second channel of information has opened up to you.

Alan Sands

Title: Setting up Sound for Success

Bio: Alan Sands, a stage performer since childhood, quickly developed his talent for entertainment. Winning his first talent contest at 12, he turned professional at 17 while still in high school, honing his hypnotist skills at parties. Throughout college, he entertained crowds with comedy magic at San Francisco's iconic locations. His unique ability to connect with audiences set the stage for a successful career. In 1997, Alan expanded his expertise, completing clinical hypnosis training and achieving certification as a Stage Hypnotist in 1998. Alan has performed at over 250 fairs, 100 colleges, numerous casinos, amusement parks, company picnics, theaters, conventions, cruise ships, and more, captivating audiences with his one-of-a-kind performances.

Talk Description: Step into the world of audio excellence and gain the knowledge and skills needed to set up impeccable sound systems for any event or venue. Whether you're a novice looking to start on the right foot or an experienced sound engineer seeking to fine-tune your expertise, this workshop covers it all. Alan Sands will guide you through the buttons, knobs and switches of sound equipment, acoustics, and the art of creating optimal audio environments. You'll learn the secrets to crystal-clear sound, troubleshoot common issues, and master the technology that delivers exceptional auditory experiences. Join us to become a sound system virtuoso, ready to transform any space into a realm of flawless sound, making your events and performances truly unforgettable. Don't miss the opportunity to amplify your knowledge and enhance your sonic mastery.

Barbara Baumgartner

Title: From FAT to FIT - Selflove will Change Everything!

Bio: After studying psychology, I became a certified hypnotist in 2013. Since 2018 I work successfully online which allows me to see clients from all over the world.

Talk Description: All of my life I struggled with my weight and binged food. Even hypnosis didn't help me! Do you also have clients who can't change their eating habits, even though you give your best? Then search no longer for the magic key, because here it is: selflove! When I discovered how easy it is to eat healthily and be more active, I tried my method with my clients and received amazing feedback! It is even easier than many other methods. At age 40 I look better than ever and help people from all over the world to live a healthy life style and look (and feel!) their best! You can use my method not only with weight problems, but also with other unhealthy habits, like smoking, sleeping to little or working too much. Try it - you will love it!

Barry Koen-Butt

Title: Embracing Your Unique Talents: The Key to Authentic Success

Bio: Barry Koen-Butt is a former senior leader in the corporate, public and not-for-profit sectors in a career that spanned four decades. He is also a professional actor and a member of the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA), a spoken voice coach with membership in VASTA (Voice and Speech Trainers Association), a certified professional personal and executive coach, Gallup-certified Strengths coach, certified clinical hypnotist, NLP and somatic practicioner, keynote speaker/presenter, and published co-author of Your Talent DNA: The Dynamic Science of Personal Development for Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Investors. Barry uses his diverse background and expertise to bring profound positive change to his clients. He achieves this by applying the most appropriate protocols and custom approaches to bring about rapid personal development.With a deep understanding of how to use his voice for maximum impact, he helps others in the field to do the same. He has developed a system for helping hypnotherapists and other change workers develop their voice for maximum influence and impact that they can love and rely on.

Talk Description: The idea of being a "well-rounded" professional is not only a falacy but it can be limiting. Join this one-hour workshop designed exclusively for hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners, where you'll discover the power of embracing your unique talents for authentic and meaningful success. In this transformative workshop, you will: Learn the 5 Clues to Talent: Gain clarity on your natural strengths and abilities, and how they shape your professional journey. Shift your perspective: Learn why being a well-rounded professional isn't always the path to success and fulfillment. Instead, explore how focusing on your specific talents can lead to greater authenticity. Leverage your strengths: Understand how to apply your unique talents to enhance your hypnotherapy and NLP practice, resulting in more meaningful connections with clients and improved outcomes. Discover why leveraging your specific talents is the key to being a more successful and fulfilled professional. Don't miss this opportunity to redefine your approach to your practice and elevate your impact with the co-author of "Your Talent DNA: The Dynamic Science of Personal Development for Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Investors.

Cally Rempis

Title: 4 Weeks to Better Body, Health and Beyond! Optimum Health for You and Your Clients

Bio: Hi! I'm Cally Rempis I am an integrative health coach and certified hypnotist. I'm a graduate of both the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and the Roehm Training Academy of hypnosis. I'm also a certified member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. I continue to improve my health and hypnosis knowledge with continuous education. My journey in health started from a young age. I struggled with my weight well into my adult life. While I was working in corporate management, I decided to get off the rollercoaster of dieting and went to school to become an integrative health coach. I was learning all I could about health and wellness, improving my own health, and relieving stress; but was not getting to where I needed to be. I found myself struggling with self-sabotage and negative thoughts. The final straw for me occurred a few years later. I was excelling in my career, but not enjoying anything in life. My whole life just felt like going through the motions. I had acquired a wealth of knowledge, but was struggling to apply it. I felt like I had no time for myself, my eating was out of control, I was drinking too much alcohol and felt tired and sluggish every day when I woke up. It was a nightmare. I was far too young to feel this way every day. I was desperate for change. It was then that I decided to seek out help through hypnosis. It was truly a game changer! After my first session I felt lighter and started to actually believe I could reach my goals. Hypnosis helped me get over my self-sabotage and negative thinking so I could concentrate on what I wanted for my future. And it wasn't just my weight that changed. My whole mindset changed. I thought differently. I was more positive at work, at home and everywhere else I went. I was able to say no to foods that I would have indulged in before. No more compulsive eating, no more binging. I even started thinking about what more I wanted from my life. This is why I am here today. I want to help others just like you find their way back to a healthy life and mindset. It is most rewarding for me to see my clients reaching their goals, just as I have. I am committed to help you with your transformation!

Talk Description: 4 Weeks of Small Manageable Steps to Get Your Health in Order, So You Can Help Yourself and Your Clients! You have to take care of yourself first and it's important that you make yourself and your health a priority. In this class, I am going to walk you through my 4 week program that incorporates small steps that you can make every week to get your health back in order. These small changes will start to create a snowball effect to make your health journey easy and effective. This isn't a quick fix. This is a lifelong journey.

Chandra Petersen

Title: Hypnotist's Guide to Creative Storyboarding for Kids: An Anxiety-Busting Adventure

Bio: Chandra Petersen LIMHP LADC CHt is an independently Licensed Mental Health and Addictions Therapist. She is an IACT certified hypnotherapist, ICBCH certified hypnosis instructor and international speaker. She has created presentations, trainings and workshops on a variety of hypnosis skills. She runs her businesses, Choices Counseling & Hypnosis and Joices School of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy, in Blair Nebraska. She helps those who have encountered trauma, abuse, PTSD or Grief, find a state of healing and peace. She works with children, teens and adults with depression, anxiety, fears and phobias, behavioral issues, life transitions, stress, self-esteem and confidence, as well as physical wellness. She has trained and certified many students in hypnosis over the years and truly enjoys helping others succeed. "Cooperation, not competition, is the motivating force behind success." Her motto is "You create your reality, so you might as well create a good one."

Talk Description: Imagine a world where youth knew how to manage their emotions, had the courage to try new things, learned from failures, created resilience and had grit to overcome challenges. In this one hour session you will learn one effective technique to help empower your child and teen clients in a fun and interactive way - Learn how to talk to children and teens about anxiety, that it is a common and beneficial feeling and that there are many ways to manage it. - Explore the art of storytelling: Learn how to help your client create powerful stories, characters and settings for self-discovery to create stories where their characters face and overcome challenges, mirroring their own anxiety struggles in a positive light. - Learn the art of storyboarding: Explore how to create storyboards with your clients in Canva, Story Board Creator and with paper and markers. - Understand how to wrap it up with a captivating hypnosis session, tailored for your client using their storyboard images and narrative.

Claudia Rickard

Title: Navigating Dementia with Dignity

Bio: Claudia Rickard, Speaker and Author was born in the U.K in 1969 and moved to North Carolina in 2019. She is an Emotional Intelligence Specialist, Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Nightingale Memory Consultant, Goulding Sleep Talk® Consultant, Master NLP Practitioner, Advanced BLAST Technique® Practitioner and a Certified Havening® Practitioner. She uses these techniques as well as EFT and Kinetic Shift in her practice and gives strategies for her clients to build their own inner resources and release old, unwanted feelings. Claudia is also the creator of The Bunny Talk Process™ which is a communication skill helping children overcome trauma. Claudia is passionate about helping improve quality of life for not only her clients but for anyone who wants to create change in their lives.

Talk Description: You can live well with dementia. Explaining what dementia is and isn't, who can get dementia, how to prevent dementia, and how to navigate dementia with dignity for the person living with dementia. I will also showcase the Mocha test or Slums test so that you can see how a baseline is taken.

Conny Wladkowski

Title: Healing From Trauma Without Regression: Helping Your Clients Take Back Their Life

Bio: Conny Wladkowski is a hypnotherapist, hypnochoach, author and international speaker. Conny specialises in Anxiety and Trauma Relief. She is the Creator of the SHINE Trauma Release Process and the Break Free from Anxiety EASIER process. She was on the path of wanting to help others from a very young age. Having learned multiple modalities for over 20 years, combined with her own life experiences and healing journey she has created some profound processes. Having suffered from trauma and anxiety herself she knows how debilitating this is. This why she is so passionate about this work and helping people to shift from surviving to thriving.

Talk Description: In order to heal from traumatic experiences you don’t have to go back and relive it. In fact that often can be more traumatising than actually helping. With the system I have created you can heal from traumatic experiences without regression. In this class you will learn the neuro scientific reason that it is possible to recover and how to overcome the effects from traumatic experiences.

Cristodora Buiculescu

Title: Spiritual Hypnosis and EFT - Be Better, Feel Better

Bio: Holistic Therapist assisting the community for the past 12 years

Talk Description: Hypnosis and EFT are an amazing blend that can support clients not just through the assistance but through the empowered tools.This enables therapist and client to create a healthy bound based on self responsibility. This is the way to freedom and empowering.

Curtis Floth

Title: Profitable Facebook Ads For Beginners

Bio: Curtis Floth helps simplify design and marketing for entrepreneurs. He is a high converting designer and digital strategist with over 25 years experience helping tech startups, corporations, and entrepreneurs build systems that attract a steady stream of customers. Today, he helps solo entrepreneurs and startups grow their company online (and offline). So they can look like an authentic brand that stands out and attracts a steady stream of customers.

Talk Description: You've got a wealth of knowledge and can truly help people. Like many others, you've likely tried buying Facebook or Instagram ads to get more clients. But you either became overwhelmed with the process, or worse, ended up spending money without seeing returns. It feels like there's a secret code you just can't crack. You know others are succeeding at Facebook Ads. Yet, every wasted dollar and failed ad campaign chips away at your confidence and dreams of a thriving business. Without the right strategy, you're throwing your money into a void, feeling stuck and frustrated. Get unstuck with Facebook & Instagram ads. In this presentation, I'll show you the proven methods for creating Facebook ads that not only resonate with your ideal clients but also turn those clicks into profits. By the end of this talk, you'll hold the keys to launch campaigns that amplify your business. Don't let the ad maze confuse you any longer. Let's break down the barriers and set you on the path to Facebook ad success.

Dan Goyette

Title: Successful Aging

Bio: Dan Goyette C0- founder of the Michigan Hypnotherapy Guild AS well as the Founder of The Hypnocafe Magazine, Associate Member of the APA and APA division 30 Clinical Hypnotherapists Dan is a licensed Paramedic and retired firefighter and is also the host of the Hypnocafe Magazine Podcast dan works primarily with front line workers for PTSD & ANGER ISSUES

Talk Description: This presentation comes from my work with Those clients moving from midlife point to what is termed later life. Many clients are looking for a way to embrace this new phase of life in the healthiest way they can and those who are looking to get back on track. this is a presentation not just for weight loss but an overall look at how we as hypnotherapists can help these clients to move into this new stage of live in a healthy happy way with over all physical and emotional wellness .

Dave Morris

Title: The Palace of Mind

Bio: Dave Morris is a graduate of the Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute, a Certified Consulting Hypnotist with NGH, and a Certified Master Trainer with IACT. He has been operating the Human Settings Institute in Dallas since 2014, and has been a student of the psychology of the subconscious mind and self-hypnosis since 1975.

Talk Description: The Subconscious Mind loves metaphors. Neuroscience has taught us recently that inductions and trance are misunderstood mechanisms of an underlying process of increasing suggestibility. How much better would it be to have a framework for creating an instant metaphor for any issue that presents itself in a session, rather than reading a script after performing an induction that is not required after all! And that old adage that 20% of the population can't be hypnotized is a moot point when your clients are creating their own suggestibility models. The Palace of Mind is the virtual domain of the Subconscious Assistant that is loaded with metaphors, easily remembered without the need for scripts, and easily modified for any situation. I will present a start-to-end method of using the client's Palace of Mind to enter hypnosis, find a powerful metaphor "chamber" in which to make desired changes, and exit again in a way that will etch itself into the client's memory and allow them to make changes anytime, anywhere. With the Palace of Mind, every issue a client presents can be addressed by "let's go into your Palace of Mind and have a chat with your Subconscious Assistant!"

Debbie Papadakis

Title: Healing Trauma on the Cellular Level

Bio: Debbie Despina Papadakis, RP, CHt, CI is a Registered Psychotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Diplomate of the IMDHA, Author of The Relationship Code: Heal Your Wounded Heart, practicing since 1995. She has been featured in Oprah's "O Magazine, O’s Big Book of Happiness, ElleCanada, Zoomer,, WTN and VISIONTV. She is an NGH Certified Hypnosis Instructor, IMDHA Certified Hypnosis & Pain Management Instructor, International Boad for Regression Therapy Past Life Trainer, Reiki Master, Educator, Speaker & Founding Director of Hypno Healing Institute (Hypnosis School & Clinic) in Toronto, Canada. Recipient of the NGH Charles Tebbetts’ award for spreading the light of hypnosis, and IMDHA Life Diplomate and Fellow awards in Hypnotherapy.

Talk Description: Are your clients aware of how past trauma is negatively affecting every aspect of their lives? These traumatic memories are stored on the cellular level, within the subconscious mind and can arise when triggered by a current event. Hypnosis is the fastest and most effective way to access the root cause of the trauma and resolve it. In this workshop, you will learn how to assist your clients in releasing old childhood traumas and patterns. We will discuss ways of helping your clients identify the perceived trauma and the emotions associated with it, then release those emotions and allow for forgiveness and healing, thereby transforming the old associations and forming new, healthier perceptions. Healing trauma from childhood wounds and patterns using hypnosis helps your client get down to the cellular level and directly to the heart of the matter. By working with the subconscious mind, you help your clients access solutions and transform issues quickly, effectively stopping the cycle of repeated suffering and creating long-lasting, life-transforming results. Your clients will be able to reclaim their power, increase their self-esteem and overall well-being. As a practitioner, you will also increase your comfort level in dealing with trauma in clients and therefore your success rate. Participants will learn effective techniques to help their clients release old traumas and patterns from their childhood, thus healing the childhood wounds that hold them back from creating a life they desire

Derrick Watkins

Title: Strolling Hypnosis Inductions and Routines That Work!

Bio: Derrick Watkins, renowned as the Billy D. Williams of Hypnosis, is a world-class hypnotist with over 20 years of experience. Prepare to be amazed as he takes you on a journey into the depths of your own mind. Awe-Inspiring Performances Prepare to be captivated by Derrick's mesmerizing performances that have wowed audiences around the globe. From stage college shows to corporate events, Derrick's hypnotic talents will leave you spellbound. Transform Your Life with Hypnosis Discover the incredible potential within yourself through the power of hypnosis. Whether you want to quit smoking, manage stress, or overcome fears and phobias, Derrick's expertise can help you achieve lasting change. A Master in Hypnotic Entertainment Derrick Watkins is not just a skilled hypnotist, but also an entertainer who knows how to engage and entertain his audience. Get ready for an unforgettable experience that will have you talking about it for years to come. A Legendary Hypnotist Derrick Watkins has been mastering the art of hypnosis for over two decades, leaving audiences spellbound with his mesmerizing performances. His expertise has landed him appearances on popular TV networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, MTV/TRL Show, TvOne News, Bleacher Report, and numerous radio and podcast shows nationwide.

Talk Description: Experience lightning-fast inductions that get your subject into a state of deep relaxation in no time. Say goodbye to long and tedious induction processes. Boost your confidence levels with our powerful induction techniques. Feel empowered and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way. Unleash your inner strength and become fearless with our transformative inductions. Overcome fears and limitations to reach new heights of personal growth.

Desiree Holmes Scherini

Title: The Intuitive Insight Process© - Hypnotic Writing

Bio: Desiree Holmes Scherini is an Award Winning, Board Certified, Master Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, Author and Intuitive. She helps others through personal intuition, spiritual exploration, and paths toward personal transformation, using Hypnosis and several other certified modalities including, Cognitive Behavioral, Mindfulness, Psychic Intuitive, Tarot and Art therapy. As an International Speaker and workshop leader she presents on wellness and metaphysical topics to various groups. She is the host of YouTube and Podcast show “Intuitive Journey with Desiree” and the Author of “Journey to Joy-The Written Path”, and is recognized as a Top Hypnotherapist is the Washington DC area. You can find more about Desiree through these links -

Talk Description: The Intuitive Insight Process© incorporates hypnosis, writing and art to achieve insight and reveal intuitive understandings. In this Experiential Workshop participants will take part in a process of writing intuitively under a light hypnotic trance to reveal subconscious information. This approach is particularly good for the client who feels stuck and struggles with understanding their "why" around an issue. The Presentation will include a brief introduction on why writing and creating art intuitively works as a tool toward insight, and Desiree's own experience of using it that led to creating The Intuitive Insight Process© and her book "Journey to Joy - The Written Path". By taking part in the writing process participants will understand the benefits of using it as a tool with clients in their own practice. If time allows we will follow with discussion of the participants experience during the process.

Eugenia Morefield

Title: Reincarnation! Is that for Real?

Bio: Eugenia Afanador Morefield is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a National Board-Certified Fellow Clinical Hypnotherapist, an author, a presenter and active mental health therapist. She received a master's degree in counseling from University of Houston Clear Lake, Texas (2005). Ms. Morefield practices in Houston, and she can be reached at: and psychology today, find a therapist. Eugenia Afanador Morefield is the author of: Marlene and Me, I Discovered Spiritual Healing Through Resolving Past Life Trauma (2022), a five-star publication at Amazon. She translated this book into Spanish and will be in Amazon in five weeks. Some of her poems have been published on the Colors of Life: The International Library of Poetry (2003).

Talk Description: Discovering Spiritual Healing Through Resolving Past Life Trauma

Frank Prince

Title: The Secret to Public Speaking - With NO notes!

Bio: Frank Prince, author, management consultant, mentalist and stage hypnotist, began his professional career with a degree in engineering and a passion for providing skills to individuals that drive their performance in organizations. Frank has worked for over 30 years as a private consultant to executives and board members of Fortune 100 companies. Many of which are seeking help with their ability to speak in a variety of situations that range from a simple toast with clients to kicking off large national sales meetings. Their audiences are amazed when they don’t use any notes. Frank’s co-authorship with successful writers has allowed him to work with them on their presentation skills preparing for their book tours. Frank has authored over 30 books and articles. Frank’s book GPS for Success, was coauthored by Stephen Covey (Seven Habits of Highly Effective People), Dr John Grey (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), and Les Brown (Live Your Dreams). He also coauthored the book Stepping Stones to Success, This book included best-selling authors Dr. Warren Bennis (author of On Becoming a Leader), Jack Canfield (co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul ®), and Deepak Chopra (author of Seven Spiritual Laws of Success). Frank has been doing hypnosis as a certified practitioner since 1994. He utilized these advanced communications skills with many individuals and groups. After many years of clients telling him that they wanted him to make people run around clucking like chickens and bark like dogs. He finally gave in. Frank, in 2017 began to study the fine art form of Comedy Stage Hypnosis. Frank travelled to Las Vegas and began mentoring under some of the best in stage hypnotists in the world. He began traveling to state fairs and performing for groups multiple times daily. Over time, Frank developed a family friendly Comedy Stage Hypnosis show that introduces the audience to hypnosis and helps them to understand more about the power of the mind. He has now transitioned to mentalism and performed a “Blindfolded Motorcycle Ride” this summer in Seattle to a crowd of 3000.

Talk Description: Attend this session for game changing presentation secrets. You will say, “I wish I knew this years ago.” This workshop will show you how to present with NO NOTES. Giving a speech without notes can seem daunting, but it can also make you more confident, engaging, and memorable as a speaker. This process is simple and works on any length presentation. From a simple toast to a keynote, from a TED talk to a full day workshop this process works. Once you learn the process you can not only use for your talks but you can use it in conjunction with your hypnosis work with clients. Help clients who are seeking to overcome their fear of public speaking. This process will have them presenting comfortably, naturally and conversationally. If you are presenting at Hypnothoughts, you can apply the secrets right away. Or you could just keep it your own secret……

Freddy Jacquin

Title: Finding Your 'Self'

Bio: Freddy H. Jacquin BSc is the founder and principal of the UK Hypnotherapy Training College, now known as the 'Jacquin Hypnosis Academy' which he created in 1999. Over the past 30 years he has been influential in changing the perception of hypnotherapy and the use of trance as a therapeutic tool for positive change. He is the author of the books ‘Hypnotherapy’ and the ‘Lazy way to Enlightenment and unlimited happiness’. He is the creator of the ‘Arrow Technique’ for chronic pain. He has personally helped more than 35,000 clients achieve freedom from self-imposed limitations and negative programming by others. Utilising the skills, and all the experience gained from dealing with thousands of clients with a multitude of various problems, he developed techniques that enable him to help his clients move rapidly to a resolution of their problem.

Talk Description: Group Hypnosis demonstration, and teaching you how to enable your clients, how to find, and fearlessly be their authentic self, through self acceptance and living their truth.

Martin Castor

Title: Modern Parts Therapy Made Simple


Talk Description: Join us for an enlightening talk where we explore two contemporary conversational-based parts therapy techniques. One method is strictly physical and guided, while the other involves a two-part power negotiation. Presented by Martin Castor in his usual humorous and passionate style, this session makes complicated techniques easy to facilitate. The event includes demonstrations, a Q&A segment, and interactive exercises. Attend this class to gain fresh insights on optimizing and empowering modern parts therapy without getting bogged down in discussions or demands.

Geoff Mires

Title: Anxiety Pattern Interrupts

Bio: Geoff Mires is a professional hypnotist who focuses primarily on helping children, teens, and adults who are struggling with anxiety. He has come to this as a lifelong anxiety survivor himself who was able to overcome many of his own fears through the use of hypnosis. He is also quite into the Woo Woo and frequently brings elements of it into his hypnosis sessions. Geoff is a Reiki Master Teacher with over 20 years of experience. He has also been a Shamanic Practitioner for over 10 years with a primary focus of chakra balancing, spirit releasement, and the clearing of unwanted energies. He has additionally been teaching martial arts as his fulltime career for the past 13 years working to empower children and teens to become the best versions of themselves.

Talk Description: Anxiety Pattern Interrupts Do you know how to break an anxious thought pattern? An Anxiety Pattern Interrupt is a skill or tool that a person learns to use to break an anxious thought pattern. I am incredibly excited about these because as a lifelong struggler with anxiety, it is only in the last 2 years that I even heard this term and began to learn how they work. For many years the only way that I knew how to how to stop an anxious thought pattern was by playing with my phone until I forgot about it. Now I have a set of skills and tools that I am looking forward to sharing with you so that you can break your own anxious thought patterns and be able to offer them to your anxious clients too!

Grant Murrell

Title: Body Language & Beyond

Bio: Grant Murrell is fast becoming one of the most sought after names in the world of Human Communication. Grant is an International Speaker, Transformation Expert, Certified Trainer in NLP & Hypnotherapy, an International Best Selling Author, Radio Show Presenter and Entrepreneur. Over the past 20 years, he and an international team have helped thousands of entrepreneurs, businesses and organisations across 15 countries to increase their profits by up to 200% often in just a matter of a few short months; by working on their team, their systems, their mindset and their strategy, to essentially help them generate; "More Money, in Less Time, have Less Stress, and More Fun and Fulfilment" in their lives and their businesses. Grant's ultimate mission is to help people design a life, career, business, organisation or foundation that will allow them to embrace their passion, purpose, freedom, wealth and happiness, and to create a legacy to last for generations to come! He is regarded as a Thought Leader, World Class Coach, Mentor, Consultant and a Trainer who is in demand across many countries.

Talk Description: Are you fed up with spending, time, money, emotion & energy on situations that just don't serve you well; either in your personal relationships or in your business? Many people feel this way too. Ever wondered why this is? Well I can help! Instead, would you prefer to invest your, time, money, emotions and energy wisely, by knowing exactly where and with who you should focus your efforts for the ultimate results? This is why I devised "Body Language & Beyond," to help you quickly and easily identify if the person/s sitting in front of you or on the screen in front of you are really the right people to enter into a personal or business relationship with. By knowing if their body language is congruent with their words will give you the know how to make that decision with confidence and ease. Want to know how? Well this is your chance to do just that! So people often ask me how I get the great results I get for my clients in such a short time, and I tell them it's because I listen to the message between the words! Well, the point is the body speaks louder than words! So please allow me the opportunity to share with you how you can translate this language in real time, live in the moment. Thereby helping you to steer you, your relationships and your business in the right direction for your ultimate success and fulfilment, by saving money, emotion & energy and doing so in the shortest time possible. So if you are either of the following, then this training is for you! Maybe you're just thinking of starting a Hypnosis, Coaching or Holistic practice or would just simply like to use this in your personal life or relationships Then this will save you thousands of hours of study, practice, research and heartache as well as tens of thousands of dollars learning what you're told just might work in reality Perhaps you already have your own Hypnosis, Coaching or Holistic practice, yet want to work with more clients Then this will add an immediate, easily implemented skillset to your toolkit that will enable you to reach more prospects than ever before. By appealing to more people by quickly connecting with them at a deeper level, you'll be able to build more trust and easily solve more client challenges in a style that feel right for them Possibly you already have a thriving Hypnosis, Coaching or Holistic practice that's serving you well. Yet to stand out from the competition, you'd like to add something to your tool belt that is a non cookie cutter approach. This will add that "Sizzle" to your sessions and will have clients wanting to come back and continue working with you, and refer you to their friends and colleagues too In either case Body Language & Beyond will be ideal for you, your relationships, for what you want to achieve for your practice and for your clients too

Gwendelyn Kay Irey

Title: How to Create a Powerful Presentation

Bio: Gwendelyn Kay Irey is a Success Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, Hypnotherapist specializing in Time-Line Therapy and a Laughter Yoga Leader. Her passion is helping people achieve self-empowerment so that they can live a life that is free, fully engaged and personally successful in every way. Using a multitude of tools, she creates a personal, workable path of success based on your specific needs. People are not created by using a cookie cutter. Your growth and success are not going to be cookie cutter either! Working with Gwendelyn means being seen, heard and understood while you create a new reality.

Talk Description: Have you always wanted to give a presentation or become a speaker, but you are not sure where to start or what to do? This process will help you figure out what you want to say and how to say it powerfully in your own way to create your own presentation. Active participation is encouraged.

Hena Husain

Title: Three Steps to Master Relationships

Bio: Hena Husain is a graduate from Simon Frazier University in Vancouver, B.C. Canada, achieving a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Early Childhood Education and Learning Disability. Hena got her C.Ht. certification from Institute of Transformational Hypnotherapy, in Lansing, Michigan. Post graduation interests lead her to certify in NLP, Medical Hypnosis, Reiki Master and Emotional Freedom Technique. She is also a Yoga and Meditation instructor and has organized and led Wellness retreats. She has authored and published 4 books one of which was number one on Amazon. Hena has spoken internationally on techniques to improve relationships.

Talk Description: The lecture will cover the impact of not mastering one’s relationship. Most clients when they come in with issues it is deep down about relationships with themselves and others. Learn how to uncover your hidden beliefs of Relationships.  The impact of not mastering relationships  Building self-esteem  Uncovering your hidden beliefs about relationships  Attracting the right people  Trust: the foundation of all relationships  Compassion; Understanding the emotional component  Communication; Ability to elicit

Hester Lubin


Bio: Hester Lubin found herself stranded at the age of 50, stuck in the trauma of her past. She found hypnosis through a friend of a friend and took training with Melissa Tiers in her New York Center of Integrative Hypnosis, where she subsequently began to work. Certified with the National Guild of Hypnostists, Hester uses all of her skills as a spiritual seeker, a Reiki master, a parent, a caregiver, a business owner, a practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu and as a teacher to share her gifts with her clients, dedicated to helping them live more vibrant lives.

Talk Description: The trampoline effect is an effective method you can use to break through a stuck feeling, thought, or situation by harnessing your own energy. This is an experiential class where we can find ourselves starting at one point and concluding at another by visualizing and feeling the freeing energy of a trampoline.

Ina Oostrom

Title: Medical Hypnosis and the Pain Model

Bio: Ina Oostrom is a recognized expert in hypnosis and hypnotherapy for more than 15 years. As the lead instructor at the OMNI Hypnosis Training Center in the Netherlands, she brings both her academic background, with a Master's Degree in Science, and extensive international experience to her work. She teaches the OMNI hypnosis training next to specialties such as HypnoMed medical hypnosis, aromatherapy hypnosis, HypnoKids®, HypnoWaving®, Carcinos with illness and deep seated stress. She does InCompany trainings in hospitals in medical hypnosis. In cooperation with Joanne Klein Wolterink she developed the innovative AHA-methodology In an exciting collaboration with Ina Oostrom, Joanne has co-developed the AHA methodology. This groundbreaking technique links emotions to the unique properties of essential oils. It equips hypnotherapists with a powerful tool, combining the olfactory and the subconscious to enhance therapeutic outcomes. For the past few years, these techniques have been successfully taught at her training institute in the Netherlands. Ina has authored 'Hypnosis the Key to Self-Empowerment' and co-authored ‘Surgery in Hypnosis'. Her contributions to the field have been acknowledged with the 'Gerald Kein Award for Excellence in Hypnotism' in 2015 and the 'Best Writer of 2017' award at the Hypnosis Congress in Zurich.

Talk Description: Hypnosis as a tool for pain elimination has gained scientific validation and is no longer a subject of debate within scientific communities. Despite this, its widespread adoption in hospitals and other medical settings remains slowThis presentation aims to demystify the science of pain, offering a simplified model to help hypnotherapists understand why and how pain elimination techniques work. The talk will explain how pain signals are received and processed by the mind and body. One critical aspect to be discussed is the profound impact of language—both positive and negative—on pain perception. This point will be exemplified through a case study. Using the pain model techniques will be discussed that can be used when working with clients who experience chronic pain. The session will also explore the ways hypnosis influences the nervous system and present practical hypnotherapy methods for stress reduction. Attendees will have the opportunity to experience a special technique aimed at relaxing the nervous system and will receive a link to the script of this method for future reference.

Janet Rapala

Title: Hypno Massage Today

Bio: Janet is Masters -prepared Registered Nurse, Licensed Massage Therapist, Board Certified Hypnotherapist and aspiring comic and full time cat lady. She has been a life-long caregiver and loves to share knowledge.

Talk Description: Updates and Outcomes from Field Research

Jason Linnet

Title: How to Get Paid Every Single Day

Bio: Jason Linett is a best-selling author, TEDx speaker, full-time professional hypnotist, and the host of the WORK SMART HYPNOSIS PODCAST, a program which has been downloaded more than two-million-plus times worldwide in more than 100 countries. 

He was awarded as the “Hypnotist of the Year’ by the Mid-America Hypnosis Conference. He has previously delivered inspirational hypnotic keynotes at HypnoThoughts LIVE, the Mid-America Hypnosis Conference, the Canadian Hypnosis Conference, and the Australian Hypnotherapists Association. 

His programs, HYPNOTIC WORKERS and HYPNOTIC BUSINESS SYSTEMS are used by thousands of professional hypnotists world-wide, and he co-trains the ICBCH Train-the-Trainer Program. Jason is also the host of the ATTRACT PRE-SOLD CLIENTS podcast, teaching online entrepreneurs the power of hypnotic communication for ethical business influence. 

While building a successful business is a great goal to strive toward, Jason is most proud of his ability to do so and be at home each night with his wife and two children.

Talk Description: Jason Linett has not had a zero-dollar day in his business for more than eight years running. Yes, some days might just be $7. Other days might be over $10,000. Join this special two-hour workshop for the real-world strategies & behind-the-scenes secrets to build a loyal audience, create irreplaceable value, and generate transformational results for people around the world.

Jason Tollen

Title: Internal Family Systems (IFS) - Come Meet One of YOUR Parts!

Bio: Jason Tollen is a Board Certified Hypnotist and IFS Level 2 Certified Practitioner. He runs a thriving private practice, helping 16-20 clients per week make profound discoveries and subconscious changes so they lead better lives.

Talk Description: Internal Family Systems is the most complete, compassionate, and effective parts model on the scene today. In this interactive workshop, come meet one of your own parts for yourself and experience what all the buzz is about!

Jassteena Dhawan


Bio: Jassteena Dhawan is a Board Certified Clinical Hypnotist, NLP Practioner, (H)NLP Practitioner, Integrative Kundalini Reiki Practitioner and Coach that is based in Toronto, Canada, where she runs Empowerment Voyage. Her journey began over twelve years ago, with the desire for self-development, but her love for NLP and hypnosis eventually led her to practice the craft of hypnosis professionally. She received her certification through the National Guild of Hypnotists and has been a devoted student of the profession. She helps her clients to empower themselves so they can succeed and thrive to live their best life.

Talk Description: Secrets to a Luckier Life Do you ever wonder why some people seem to have all the luck? I've consistently won a raffle prize at Hypnothoughts every year I've entered. Do you want to know how? Join me for an engaging and transformative workshop where I'll share the secrets on how I manifest good luck and how you can create your own luck in life. Key takeaways will be to discover the luck mindset, practical strategies to welcome more abundance, prosperity, success, and a personalized action plan to start implementing the secrets to a luckier life.

Jeffrey Richards

Title: Five Ways to Protect Your Business, Your Clients, and Yourself

Bio: Jeff is a Master Practitioner and Licensed Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming through the Society of NLP. He is certified in hypnosis by the International Certification Board of Coaches & Hypnotists and the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association. He is an entertainer, speaker, and consultant to new hypnotists. Jeff lives near Columbus, OH, where he has operated his clinical practice since 2000.

Talk Description: You invested a lot of time and money to become a hypnotist, and you deserve to protect that investment. Over 20% of new businesses fail in their first two years; almost half are gone before the five-year mark. You can increase your chances of success when you establish systems, rules, and boundaries to protect yourself and your business. We'll cover ways to protect your brand, your assets, your reputation, your privacy, and more. I will share things I wish I'd known when I started my business 23 years ago, most of which I had to learn the hard way. And since most of the best teaching examples come from situations where things didn't go as planned, you can count on hearing some good stories while you learn how to build a solid foundation for your thriving practice.

Jenny Bitner

Title: Flow and Focus: A Hypnotist's Guide to Enhancing Focus and Productivity

Bio: Jenny Bitner’s fiction and poetry has been published in Mississippi Review, The Fabulist, The Sun, Fence, Corium, Fourteen Hills, Mid-American Review, Best American Nonrequired Reading and PANK. Her nonfiction has appeared in Utne Reader, To-Do List, The San Francisco Bay Guardian, and Men’s Health. She has an M.F.A. in creative writing from the University of Virginia and has taught creative writing for twenty years. Her hypnotherapy practice specializes in helping writers with blocks and achieving their goals. She also teaches Trance Writing classes that use hypnosis for increased creativity. Her novel Here Is A Game We Could Play was published in 2021 from Acre Books.

Talk Description: In this age of supreme distraction, what many clients want most is to be able to focus. And for that matter, can you focus? I specialize in working with writers and one of the things my clients desire the most is the ability to focus their minds, but focus is needed in any area of life we want to succeed at. The elusive art of focusing the mind is an area that hypnosis has natural strengths. Are you a hypnotist looking to unlock the potential for enhanced productivity in yourself and your clients? In this immersive session, you'll discover the secrets to guiding your clients and yourself into a state of heightened concentration, creativity, and productivity. I will provide you with valuable insights, practical strategies, and hands-on exercises that you can immediately incorporate into your practice. Unleash the potential for enhanced creativity and productivity within yourself and those you serve as a hypnotist.

Jess Marion

Title: Change Beyond Hebb's Law

Bio: I am passionate about helping people grow and change through a number of modalities. I am also a life long student of consciousness. I am an HNLP and NLP trainer, hypnosis trainer, Certified Master Coach, Sacred Medicine Facilitator, and author. Additionally I am a Reiki practitioner, initiated Mesa Carrier, and Yoga Nidra teacher.

Talk Description: In this 1 hour talk we will explore a framework for change that extends beyond "neurons that fire together wire together". We will explore a systemic approach to change that allows you to leverage your client's physiology, energy, breath, family system, ancestry, and what the client holds to be sacred. This creates a piece of change work that ecological for the whole client and helps you navigate complex identity level issues.

Jordan Wolen

Title: Queer Spaces and Hypnotherapy

Bio: Jordan Wolan is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Cannabis-assisted Psychedelic Therapist™ and an adept sound healing facilitator with a private practice of over 7 years in Los Angeles. As a compassionate small group leader and experienced instructor, Jordan skillfully guides individuals through transformative experiences. Her offerings include immersive sound baths, illuminating psychedelic cannabis journeys, and empowering self-development workshops. Her unwavering commitment lies in fostering secure and sacred spaces where healing and personal growth can flourish. Jordan specializes in working with entrepreneurs and creatives, helping them unlock their full potential. Additionally, she extends her services to embrace diverse populations, such as the LGBTQ+ community and the kink community, providing inclusive and tailored support to all.

Talk Description: How can hypnotherapy be used to support the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of the LGBTQ+ community and their families in society, and how to make our practices more welcoming to this population. More to be developed...

Joseph Onesta

Title: Unlocking the Adult Palate: Hypnosis and Coaching for Overcoming Picky Eating


Talk Description: Ever met an adult who sticks to the kids' menu, avoiding new foods and missing out on diverse culinary experiences? Picky eating can significantly impact the lives of teenagers and adults, limiting their dietary options and social enjoyment. Join us in this dynamic one-hour workshop where you'll uncover the roots of picky eating, discover practical coaching techniques to broaden food choices, and learn how to utilize hypnosis to support and encourage a more adventurous palate. Equip yourself with the tools to help your clients transform their eating habits and embrace a world of new flavors!

Kathleen Wandasiewicz



Talk Description: 

Kevin Cole

Title: Roadmap To Living Your Purpose

Bio: Starting with himself and moving on to others, for over 24 years now, Kevin Cole of Empowerment Quest International,, and The Las Vegas Hypnosis Center,, has been helping individuals overcome personal challenges from their past, learn & experience how to live passionately in the present, and ultimately discover and live their true purpose in life. Along with keeping busy with his private practice in Las Vegas, Kevin also travels internationally as a trainer of NLP, Hypnosis, Life Coaching, and other Changework Modalities.

Talk Description: This presentation is one that can change your forever if you let it. During this presentation, you will learn how to help yourself -- and your clients... Discover and Live Your True Purpose In Life, with.. As Little Pain As Reasonably Possible & As Much PLEASURE As Reasonably Possible... Have I got your attention now? Good. Bold statements, but they are true. So... Are you ready to Discover & Step Into Alignment With YOUR True Purpose In Life? If so... See you there!

Kryssa Bowman

Title: Communicating With Your Multidimensional Consciousness

Bio: Kryssa's academic background is in Applied Psychology, which allows her to approach her work as a hypnotist and trainer with an understanding of the scientific method and evidence based versus research based practices. Kryssa seeks to bridge the disconnect between science and spirituality with her multidimensional consciousness approach change work. She is trained in regression-to-cause, neo-Ericksonian hypnosis, Elman hypnosis, chronic pain release, ego states work, spiritual hypnosis, channeling and more. Kryssa divides her time between 1:1 client sessions, her Quantum Journeys Hypnosis Academy and running several social media communities. She hopes to one day finish any one of several books she's been procrastinating on for several years now.

Talk Description: Using hypnotic trance to communicate with several different aspects of your higher self, your subconscious mind, the cells and organs of your body and more.

Lani Gonzales

Title: Exploring the Depths of Consciousness: Hypnotherapy and Its Impact on Epigenetics

Bio: Inspired to speak for those who could not speak for themselves, Lani became a lawyer at the age of 23. Although she built the picture-perfect life, Lani fought a silent battle with depression, anxiety, and chronic PTSD. She spent over 10 years in counseling, and Lani finally found true healing and unshakable inner peace by exploring the subconscious mind. Lani returned to school and is now a clinical and quantum healing hypnotherapist. She also trained with gurus, shamans, and healers around the world to cultivate her gifts as an intuitive healer. Breaking her silence and shattering the illusion of her picture-perfect life, Lani shared her healing journey in her first book, Rebirth of a Sage. Untethered from the trauma that once controlled her life, Lani learned to wield the love and light within and live a life of purpose. It is her mission to help others do the same.

Talk Description: Delve into the world of hypnotherapy and its profound effects on consciousness and epigenetics. With powerful insights into the intersection of mind and body, discover how hypnotherapy can influence and even reshape our genetic expressions through epigenetic mechanisms. Explore the transformative potential of hypnotherapy on both our consciousness and the very essence of our genetic makeup.

Lata Viseu

Title: Strategies for Success in Life (for a Hypnotist or a "Normal" Person)

Bio: Lata Viseu Certified Hypnotist Lata is an HR Leader who is passionate about positive psychology, hypnosis and living her best life. She is an ardent believer in building relationships and providing value to her clients. She holds the prestigious CHRL (Certified Human Resources Leader) designation and is a graduate of the world renowned Dale Carnegie Course. She is also an alumna of Dr. Mike Mandel's program, The Architecture of Hypnosis and has trained in Mindscaping and Graphology, along with other modalities. She is certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc. (NGH) as a Hypnotist. Lata’s primary passion outside of regular work hours is to use her training and experience to help people live their best lives. She has created a daily ritual which have developed into her "Strategies for Success" program which can be applicable in anything you do to live a happy, fulfilling life.

Talk Description: Learn strategies for success in living a happy, fulfilling life using my tried and tested methods. These are practical tips which a Hypnotist or anyone, can implement easily. Learning Outcomes: - Learn the 3 things you must do every morning to program your day - Determine what you can do to switch from a negative mindset to a positive one in an instant - Understand how you can use your authenticity to get away from competition - Apply this special method before you all asleep to improve your intuition and to create more of what you want

Laura King

Title: 6 Keys to Winning Sports

Bio: Laura King is a renowned Certified Hypnotist, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Life Coach, Author, Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, and Sports Performance Coach. She is the founder and president of Summit Dynamics, LLC, a consulting service dedicated to helping people attain their goals through life and sports coaching, Hypnosis, Self-Hypnosis and NLP. An enthusiastic and accomplished equestrian and expert on self- improvement and positive behavior modification, Laura has helped thousands of people achieve their personal best goals and life balance. Laura was trained at the Omni Hypnosis Training Center, The Don Mottin Sports Hypnosis Training Center, and received her NLP training from Dr. William Horton. She also spent over two decades studying with her mentor, Dorothy Gates, Ph.D., who is internationally recognized as an authority in child and adult development. Laura stays on the leading edge of Hypnosis and NLP through research and regular attendance in continuing education courses and seminars. Figuring It Out is Laura's 8th book. Laura has written and published several books, workbooks and online courses and curriculums. She has created over 400 self-hypnosis MP3s covering stress management, peak performance, public speaking, overcoming illness, and much more. Laura, her husband Ed, and their dogs, Dora and Maggie Mae, split their time between Florida and the mountains of North Carolina.

Talk Description: One of the more frequent challenges faced by all athletes is how to improve their performance. They express frustrations that they often possess identical – if not superior—physical attributes to their competitors, yet they’re consistently being out-performed by that competitor. In many cases, the problem is rooted in self-doubt, which limits their levels of performance. Using hypnosis, and Neuro- Linguistic Programming, the client will learn how to identify and accept self-doubt. Once this is achieved, the client can stop dwelling on past failures and other negative feelings and images through hypnosis techniques, positive imagery, concentration-focusing skills. Whether the athlete feels held back by physical fear or by negative comments from competitors, trainers or officials/judges or by performance anxiety, the 6 Key to Winning Sports will help the hypnotist to help their clients’ replace a “losing” mentality with the winning edge.

Lori Hammond

Title: Permanent Weight Loss with Hypnosis

Bio: Lori Hammond specializes in group hypnosis sessions, workshops, and online courses. She takes pleasure in showing others how to build a thriving hypnosis business by giving the the secrets she uncovered along the way.

Talk Description: It's one thing to take off extra weight and it's an entirely different thing to KEEP the weight off from now on... without struggle or deprivation. Come discover the simple, effective techniques thar reliably make it happen.

Marina Kostina

Title: Somatic & Energetic Secrets to Increase Impact (and Income) of Your Hypnotherapy Practice

Bio: Bestselling Author, TEDx Speaker, Award-Winning Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist specializing in Trauma and Addictions: Recently called a “female disruptor” by Thrive Global, Dr. Marina Kostina has been breaking the status quo and living her life beyond everyone’s expectations for years. Rising from the ashes several times in her life, she began the ultimate transformation on June 19, 2022, when she miraculously survived a skydiving accident. After suffering a life-threatening crash, resulting in fifty-two bone breaks, Marina embodied her life’s work, research and passion as she demonstrated unpredictable progress that far exceeded her medical prognosis. Her journey became the foundation of the Amazon Bestselling book “52 Pieces: A Manual of Light to Survive the Abyss of Trauma”. She now helps people find light in the abyss of their trauma and accidents.

Talk Description: It is no longer a secret that humans contain and are surrounded by energy. Recent research also demonstrated that trauma is a stuck emotion (or energy) in the body. Therefore, it is only logical that the field of hypnotherapy would benefit from the insights from the compatible disciplines of somatic and bio-energetic healing. In this interactive, hands-on presentation Dr. Kostina will demonstrate the ways she uses bio-energy research, and body-mind connection in her hypnotic practice in order to increase client’s success, create more lasting impact, and increase the income for her business. You will leave with concrete tools on how to utilize multi-disciplinary approach in your own session.

Mary Welp

Title: RISE Hypnotic Meditation

Bio: Mary Welp is a CranioSacral therapist and a hypnotherapist who has developed RISE Hypnotic Meditation. Mary has been a practitioner for over 20 years, working with all populations, including soldiers returning from deployment and victims of trauma. Mary’s passion is to help people learn how to regulate their nervous system’s and change negative thoughts patterns in order to live a more authentic and happy life.

Talk Description: RISE Hypnotic Meditation is a direct, simple and adaptable lifelong practice for meaningful change. By uniting meditation and self-hypnosis in this 4 step process, one can address their change, in their time, in the privacy of their homes. RISE is a great tool to teach your clients to keep the healing going between sessions. It is also a beneficial tool for you!

Matt Dickson

Title: Breathing, Body Sensing & Humming: Yoga’s Sonic Tools for Hypnosis

Bio: Matt Dickson bring nearly two decades of experience to personal transformation. As a certified Hypnotherapist and 500Hr Registered Yoga Teacher Matt has developed a unique approach to transformational coaching that emphasizes somatic inquiry, metaphor and elegant trance work. Known for his ability of combining yoga’s ethical practice with hypnosis, Matt leads workshops on navigating anxiety, metaphor creation, and setting boundaries.

Talk Description: Be ready for a sensorial experience exploring the synergy of yoga and hypnosis! Yoga is about liberation, not mastering complex poses. The practice you will learn can be done by ANYONE who can breathe on their own, and in as little as FIVE MINUTES! Experience for yourself how breath, body sensing and the sonic grounding of humming can supercharge your hypnosis practice. You’ll leave feeling grounded, refreshed and with something magical to take home for yourself and your clients.

Melissa Tiers

Title: Coaching the Unconscious Mind: Demos of Change

Bio: Melissa Tiers is a multi-award winning author, speaker, coach and hypnosis trainer. She is the founder of The Center for Integrative Hypnosis and co-founder of the Ethical Coaching Collective.

Talk Description: In this workshop you will participate in what Melissa does best. She will do demos of coaching the unconscious mind where she shows you what she’s doing and why and then engages in Q and A.

Melissa Wild

Title: Enhance Intuition on a Journey in Creative Awareness

Bio: Melissa Wild is a multifaceted individual whose life journey has been marked by an unwavering commitment to creativity, personal growth, and transformation. Melissa's journey began with a profound fascination for the human mind. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology, delving deep into the complexities of human behavior and cognitive processes. This foundational knowledge laid the groundwork for her future endeavors in the field of creativity and personal development. Melissa's thirst for knowledge led her to pursue a Master’s degree in Creativity and Change Leadership at the Center for Applied Imagination at Buffalo State University. This program equipped her with a unique skill set, blending creativity, leadership, and the ability to effect meaningful change. Melissa developed hypnosis, and NLP skills through Erickson Professional Coach Certification, enhancing her ability to guide individuals on holistic personal development and transformation approaches. Her unique blend of academic knowledge, certifications, and adventurous spirit has shaped her into a true advocate for personal transformation and creativity. She has authored Wild Intuition: An Adventure in Creative Awareness, which offers a roadmap for empowering others to access their intuition and unlock their creative potential. As a published author and speaker, Melissa inspires individuals to embrace their authentic selves and unleash their wild intuition, both in person and virtually in the digital realm. Driven by her passion for helping others unlock their creative potential, Melissa founded Melissa Wild Insight, LLC. Through this venture, she provides coaching, workshops, and resources to guide individuals on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Her mission is to empower individuals to tap into their inner creativity and transform their lives.

Talk Description: Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of your intuition? Are you intrigued by the power of intuition and wish you could strengthen yours? Join this session to discover the power within you to unlock the secrets of your intuition on a mind-expanding adventure in creative awareness. In this interactive session, we will embark on a journey to harness your intuition and creativity, ultimately gaining new insights and skills to apply in your hypnosis practice. We will delve into creative awareness, its significance in enhancing intuition, and its applicability in various aspects of life. Learn how to spark curiosity from within and discover meaning in auditory and visual stimuli, enriching your experience. Acquire practical techniques for accessing and trusting your intuitive abilities while nurturing your creativity. You will have the opportunity to actively practice a range of techniques designed to awaken and amplify your intuitive insights, including: · Questions that Answer: Learn how to pose questions to one's subconscious mind that lead to intuitive answers, providing profound insights into your life's questions while stimulating creativity. · Follow the Lyrics: Learn to attune your senses to the world around you, using music and lyrics as a gateway to intuitive understanding and creative inspiration. Explore the power of music and lyrics to access hidden emotions and insights. · Imaginary Journey: Experience the power of guided visualization and intentional changes in perspective to tap into the subconscious and unearth intuitive wisdom. Through personal application, you will better understand creative awareness and its role in enhancing intuition. Leave this session with a sense of empowerment, ready to explore the depths of your intuition, unleash your creativity, and apply these techniques to enrich your personal and professional life. Discover practical ways to integrate these techniques into your hypnosis practice for more profound and transformative sessions.

Michael DeSchalit

Title: The Secret to How I get Paid To Talk About Hypnosis

Bio: Michael DeSchalit is an Internationally Award Winning Hypnotist who has presented and performed for over one million people, in 13 different countries, twenty seven different states, for all types of audiences from Schools to Coporattions and Non-Profit Organizations to Private High End Groups, over the past two decades. He owns a private, online clinical and coaching practice for peak performers in all walks of life, and maintains a rigerous perfomance schedule of over one hundred and fifty stage hypnosis shows a year. His presentations are filled with practical, usable and impactful information, techniques and protocols that will take you business to an entirely new level. As a hypnosis instructor, teacher, trainer and coach, Michael has trained and mentored over 400 students worldwide.

Talk Description: For as long as I've been a hypnotist I have realized that just seeing clients will never take me to the income level I want to be at. So now for the first time ever, I am going to reveal how I make massive amounts of income just by talking about hypnosis. I will share with you the groups I target, how I market to them and what you can expect to get paid for a presentation. I will also share the topics I present on. As a bonus, I will also share with you how I get paid while marketing to these groups, which is how I have been able to thrive in business, income and even the quality of Clients I choose to work with. If you want to take the knowledge you have and grow your income level without doubling your work, then this is the workshop for you. Here's your chance to take a peek into my world of hypnotic speaking.

Michael Pappas

Title: Energy Hygiene: Best self care tips for hypnotists


Talk Description: This class will teach self hypnosis energy clearing and protecting exercises that will benefit anyone who practices hypnosis. We will discuss different strategies to help you become more effective in your hypnosis sessions. In this class you will learn: - How to block residual negative energy left behind by a client; - Best practices to keep your working space clear, whether at home or in the office; - Take away information on how to teach and clear your energy; - My signature suggestibility test to see where your clients energy is; - A group meditation to clear, ground and shield; - Crystal giveaways.

Michael Werner

Title: HFT - Hypnotic Field Therapy

Bio: Dr. Michael Werner has been a hypnosis professional for about 17 years and is founder and director of one of the most successful hypnosis schools in Austria/Europe, the birthplace of hypnosis (, Dr. Werner is a hypnotist and hypnosis teacher who has already worked with about 4000 people. He is also a very successful hypnosis entrepreneur with a PhD in psychology and a master's degree in business administration. One secret of his extremely high success rates with his clients is: Dr. Werner and his team are researchers who, in their own empirical studies, explore old hypnosis methods and develop new ones that work even better than those already known. He will show you some of his best techniques.

Talk Description: Hypnotic Field Therapy (HFT): Hypnosis for problems with babies, small children, or animals? Hypnotic field therapy is a little-known field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. This is how it started: Dr. Werner experienced people, speaking in foreign languages in past life regressions, that they didn´t spoke in real life and wanted to explore where the foreign language skills came from. The next question was: Why do some people believe that they were the same historical personalities (like Napoleon, Cleopatra, ...) during regressions in past lives. That´s why the idea was born that the information or language does not come from the client, but from an information field. Therefore Dr. Werner continued his research and found out that already the biologist Rupert Sheldrake has done extensive research on morphic and morphogenetic fields - but only on animals. Therefore Dr. Werner started his experiments with humans, and he will show you a new dimension of hypnosis. You can connect your clients with their children, animals and much more and work very successfully with these information fields.

Mona Abdulrahim Santl

Title: Too Old for a Hypnosis Session?

Bio: Mona is the owner of Mind Your Power, a Consultancy focused on the development of a mindset of wellbeing and positivity, for the personal, educational and corporate environment. With an extensive training and knowledge in communication skills, customer service, Emotional Intelligence, NLP, and sales, Mona has successfully conducted numerous trainings at a wide variety of large and small organizations. She has a keen sense to identify the factors that hinder the positive development of groups and individuals alike, and does so with creative techniques, along with a contagious passion, compassion, diplomacy and motivation. All of these have led to significant positive changes to the groups and individuals she has addressed and coached. With a background in natural Psychology, Mona has always believed in the power of the mind, and the ability of self-healing. She holds certifications in Hypnotherapy as Instructor, NLP as Instructor, Kinesiology, EFT, Pranic Healing, Emotional Intelligence, Pain Management, Transactional Analysis, HypnoBirthing, HypnoFertility, and Hypno-Coaching. She is the founder of the international program “Hypno-Parenting” and has worked with International Schools, training parents, and also academic staff in the art of effective communication and emotionally intelligent parenting. She is also the mother of 3 now adult boys, whose outcome she considers as her biggest success in life. Mona appears regularly in TV interviews, and has inspired audiences speaking at online webinars, panels, and industry events in Boston, Las Vegas, Zurich, Berlin and London, and corporate events in the UAE, Bahrain and Lebanon, receiving numerous awards. Coming from an Arabic-European background, having lived in several countries and continents, and being fluent in 4 languages, Mona epitomizes the flexibility and understanding needed to adapt her training style to cultural, unique and individual needs.

Talk Description: 

Natalia Szymkowiak

Title: How to empower your clients with three tools of Mental Training?

Bio: Natalia Szymkowiak - polish hypnotherapist with over 4 years of experience. Ex Polish Rowing National Team Representative specialising in working with athletes in my hypnotherapy practice. Putting accent on empowering people by giving them practice tool of mental training.

Talk Description: The success of my clients is my success. I believe empowering clients and giving them tools to help themselves is important part of our job. During this class I will teach you 3 mental training tools - visualisation, gratitude practice and letting go technique of Hawkins. By showing them to your clients they will: * know how to positively impact their lives on a daily baisis, * set up a direction for their goals, * become more happy and succesful, * become more powerful and with ease they will cope with emotions, * reccomend you as a hypnotherapist who empowers others.

Holly Stokes

Title: Intuitive Eating Magic for Cravings, Food Allergies and Weight Loss with Hypnosis!


Talk Description: Picture this: guiding your clients to conquer cravings, build a healthy relationship with food, and reach their wellness goals effortlessly. With the power of Intuitive Eating and hypnosis, you can reprogram the unconscious mind to naturally crave healthy foods, even rewire taste buds to enjoy healthy foods more! Don't just practice hypnosis; become the key to lasting transformation in your clients' lives. Embrace this revolutionary approach and watch your impact soar!

Neelam Ashfaq

Title: Human Psychology and Behavioral Traits.

Bio: Neelam is a Board Certified Hypnotist. Certified from NGH and UK Hypnosis Academy. Neelam is also an Emotional Intelligence Coach from Berkeley USA. Neelam uses techniques such a CBT, DBT, EMDR etc. Neelam is currently studying Social Psychology as her main focus.

Talk Description: It explains the study of psychology and how environment, hormones and certain factors effect our personality traits.

Nickolas Natale

Title: Unleashing Passion: A Hypnotic Exploration of Our Deepest Desires

Bio: Dr. Nic is passionate about helping people embrace the strength within. As a personal consultant, therapist, and hypnotist, he draws out the best in others. His work addresses the deepest shades of personal experiences, assisting individuals and couples in reaching new levels of healthy relationships and erotic experiences. Professional Credentials: Nicholas A. Natale, Ph.D., is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Sex Therapist, and Certified Hypnotherapist who has received advanced training in the areas of marriage therapy, sex therapy, problematic sexual behavior, hypnotherapy, leadership development, and entrepreneurship.

Talk Description: Dive into the thrilling intersection of hypnosis and the world of erotic self-discovery! In this dynamic session, Dr. Nic Natale invites attendees on a journey to unlock the secrets of our deepest desires. With a blend of captivating stories and powerful insights, discover how you can empower individuals to fully embrace their unique erotic selves. Get ready to challenge preconceived notions, unlock hidden passions, and open doors to uncharted territories of intimacy and self-awareness!

Olga Zvereva

Title: Inspiration, Improvisation and the Subtle Effects of Music

Bio: As hypnotist, energy and sound healer, Olga Zvereva is passionate about intersection of healing and art. She enhances her extensive work as a hypnotist and ceremonialist with the healing music of Native American style flutes, sound and frequencies of the crystal singing bowls, drums, and other sacred instruments. In addition to her private practice in hypnotherapy and healing art she gives meditation concerts, ceremonies, and sound baths.

Talk Description: Learn about music and energy, self-realization through sound, music, voice combined with meditation, energy transformation exercises, and improvisation. Effects of sound on our energy fields is real transformation that sets free our natural intuition and compassion which are real guides in all healing work, with or without sounds. There are three ways of doing this: music therapy – as a dialogue between people with sound. sound healing – as a treatment combined with a conscious work on our energy fields. self-development through sound either through listening to specific sounds or by singing or playing, again combined with directing awareness and using energy transformation exercises.

Peter Blum

Title: What? WHAT!? Confusion, Ambiguity and Vagueness

Bio: Peter Blum, C.I., C.Ht., M.S.C., has had a full time hypnosis practicesince 1987. He was awarded Instructor of the Year by the Nat’l Guild of Hypnosis in 2004, and in 2009 inducted into the Order of Braid. In 2015 he was recognized as Hypnotist of the Year by IACT (The Int’l Assoc. of Counselors and Therapists), and in 2018 Peter was awarded “Life Fellow in Hypnotherapy” by the Int'l Medical and Dental Hypnosis Assoc. In 2021, Peter was inducted into the Hypnosis Hall of Fame. He has trained hundreds of healers, health professionals, and counselors, in the spiritual art of hypnosis. Over the past 40 years he has also had a parallel career in the field of shamanic sound healing.Traveling through the U.S., Mexico, Canada, France and the Caribbean, he has shared sound baths, personal sound healing sessions, and sonic therapy trainings in many settings including hypnosis conferences, yoga studios, Menla Retreat Center, the Omega Institute, and the U.N.

Talk Description: Participants will learn a) why confusion is a "blessed state”; b) how to make artfully vague statements; c) the usefulness of “pattern interrupts”; d) when to be clear and when to be ambiguous; e) how and when to tell a “shaggy dog” story. When can you continue to change, if you decide that now is not a good time? If that question stopped you in your tracks, maybe you are ready to learn about the value of confusion. Confusion of conscious awareness forces people to resort to unconscious patterns of thought and response, a circumstance that can then be emphasized and utilized by observant hypnotists and willing subjects. It is said that of all the induction techniques Milton H. Erickson utilized, the one that was used more than any other was confusion. In this workshop we will play with some confusing inductions, ambiguous statements, and learn by observing their effect on ourselves and others.

Robert Harrison

Title: Helping Veterans & Civilians Recover From War Trauma

Bio: Robert Harrison is an internationally recognized trainer and developer in the areas of NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, and Personality Profiling. He is the author of “First 50 Clients: A Toolkit for Hypnotists and Coaches”, The Professional Hypnotists Toolbox, Relationship Tune-Up, and 7 Survival Skills of the 21st Century Career Marketplace. What is NLP & How Does It Work?​ Robert also, after working with the chronically mentally ill for over a decade, developed a model known as the “Structure of Upset”. He has been dedicated to the art and science of helping others improve their lives for over 20 years. A Board Certified Hypnotist, Certified Instructor of Hypnosis through the National Guild of Hypnotists, trainer, and partner with NLP Institute of California, former President of the Master Hypnotist Society, and founder of The Hypnotist Academy, Robert has created award-winning Hypnosis programs that are proven and road tested. In 2009, he was awarded the #1 Smoking Cessation Practitioner in world by Smoke Free International. At that time, they were the leading provider of Smoking Cessation Hypnosis Instruction. Even though he still works in the clinic with clients 1-on-1 most days, he also teaches at two of the largest Hypnosis Conventions each year, co-trains the Practitioner, Master Practitioner in NLP, and WealthyMind™ Program with Tim Hallbom, Kris Hallbom and Suzi Smith, and mentors working Hypnotists & Coaches in the US and abroad to build a successful business. Robert is a Board Certified Hypnotist, Certified Hypnosis Trainer, NLP trainer, coach, and consultant. He has worked exclusively as a coach, consultant, hypnotist, and trainer for over 13 years. In 2016 Robert was hired as a senior NLP Trainer to co-train the NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner, Wealthy Mind, Dynamic Spin, and Trainers Training with Tim & Kris Hallbom. He is also a Trainer and Specialist with Trauma NLP Institute Founders, Tim Hallbom and Kris Hallbom, and Training Director Robert Harrison at the NLP Leadership Summit in Alicante, Spain January 2020. After graduating from the University of Maryland in 1994, Robert began studying Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) informally while working as a case manager with the chronically mentally ill. It was there he discovered a passion for helping others. He started studying NLP formally in 1998 as a student at NLP of California, where he was later certified and began working as an assistant over the next several years to deepen his understanding of NLP and what it could do. His curiosity leads him to notice recurring patterns of behavior his clients would cycle through over and over again, particularly when they became upset. Because of this, he began to observe ‘how specifically’ individuals got themselves upset. After modeling this for several years he developed the Structure of Upset, which has since become a keystone to the Stress Reduction Made Simple program. In 2002, Robert opened up Leapahead Coaching & Consulting, which later branched into three main companies; Bay Area Hypnosis Center, The Hypnotist Academy & Professionals Edge, all located in San Carlos, CA. At the Bay Area Hypnosis Center, he and his staff specialize in Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Stress, and Sports Improvement. His clinic generally sees 50+ clients a week. In 2012 he founded The Hypnotist Academy (a subsidiary) to provide on-going training and mentoring for Hypnotists and Coaches in the healing arts. In 2016 Robert was hired as a senior NLP Trainer to co-train the NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner, Wealthy Mind, Dynamic Spin, and Trainers Training with Tim & Kris Hallbom. In 2018, Robert was given the honor to become Co-Training Director at NLP Institute of California. He is now the head trainer at NLP Institute of California and in charge of developing new programs and training’s that support our mission to discover what works in the realms of human effectiveness, change, interpersonal communications, and systemic thinking and we want to share it with others. Professionals Edge, his corporate brand, offers coaching services & programs to small businesses, entrepreneurs, and Fortune 500 Companies in the areas of personality profiling, communication, sales, negotiation, and marketing. His corporate programs have been featured at many of the top Silicon Valley Companies such as Oracle, NEC, Corporate GAP, General Dynamics, Electronic Arts, REACH Fitness, and United American Bank. He and his team have helped thousands of people change unwanted habits, improve individual and team performance, save time, reduce costs and increase well-being using hypnosis & NLP. He enjoys helping companies meet wellness goals, reduces health care costs, and increase their overall performance.

Talk Description: In this 1 hour presentation - you will learn about the 4 key stages of helping Veterans & Civians recover from War Trauma - using a process call The Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories. Robert Harrison was the 2nd certified RTM Trainer in US and part of the pilot team when it was first presented to the Veteran's Administration via a government contract to train VA therapists in this ground breaking technique. The R&R Project is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit dedicated to furthering and expanding research which is already establishing the RTM ProtocolTM as a most promising breakthrough treatment for PTSD. As a clinical treatment requiring no drugs, the RTM Protocol has undergone rigorous scientific evaluation in four published studies (with more underway), as consistently removing the nightmares, flashbacks, and the directly related emotional problems of post-traumatic stress in less than five hours.

Rory Oleson

Title: Intro to The Wholeness Work

Bio: Rory Oleson started meditating in 1998 to help de-stress during high school and that initial exploration led him to self-enquiry, non-dual perspectives, and ultimately what he is doing now as a life coach with methods like The Wholeness Work. Rory has been involved in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since he took his first training in 2016. He's trained with over 10 different NLP trainers as well as assisted and been a coach for NLP training companies based in California, Colorado, and Canada. He was quickly introduced to the methods developed by Connirae Andreas, PhD - Core Transformation and Wholeness Work - and since 2020 Connirae has been his primary mentor/teacher/influence. In addition to his private coaching practice, Rory works for Andreas NLP, mentoring new trainees and leading groups in the methods they teach. He has been a mentor in their Core Transformation Coach Certification program, and will serve again in this role for the upcoming August-November 2024 program.

Talk Description: In this talk you’ll be introduced to The Wholeness Work, developed by Connirae Andreas, as well as be guided in a group experience. It offers a way to dissolve the “everyday sense of the ego” in a way that resolves many life problems. This method has helped people with insomnia, relationship issues, difficult emotions, and more.u.

Samantha Garcia

Title: Regenerative Business

Bio: Samantha (Sam) Garcia is the author of the bestselling book, Regenerative Business: How to Align Your Business with Nature for More Abundance, Fulfillment, and Impact, and is the founder of Dirty Alchemy, the marketing agency & consulting firm for conscious entrepreneurs, coaches & course creators. Sam hosts the Regenerative Business podcast, and helps ambitious online business owners to build a thriving business ecosystem that contributes to a better world vision. Sam graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelors in Physics and a minor in Environmental Science, and went on to get a Permaculture Design Certification before moving to Maui in 2013. She co-founded the regenerative agriculture business, Living Earth Systems, with her now husband Eddy Garcia in 2015, on the side of growing her marketing business. Sam works and lives off-grid with her husband on their regenerative farm on Maui.

Talk Description: Many conscious business owners doing great work in the world are halted from growing their business to the level of visibility & success they know if possible because deep down something doesn't feel right. All the marketing and business building feels... icky. This is completely understandable because standard business strategies and practices are coming from an Industrial perspective - where your business is a machine and you are a cog in that machine. Instead, let's look to the greatest systems designer in the world: Nature. Learn the principles that Nature uses to design highly productive, abundant, wild, thriving systems that can be applied to your business to achieve your highest level of recognition, fulfillment, and legacy.

Scoti Wagner

Title: Flow Art Hypnosis

Bio: Hi I am Scoti Wagner and it is so nice to meet you! Ever since I was a young girl I was struck in awe at the wonders and healing properties of the natural world, how ritualistic ceremonies of dance would put people in a trance of healing, and how language filled the space between it all. This passion and wonder led me to the study of herbal medicine and eventually Bastyr University where I graduated valedictorian with a Bachelor’s of Science in Health Sciences and Herbal Medicine, Hypnosis, and many other healing modalities. I have now combined all I have learned into one alchemical process of [Self] Alchemy for personal healing and transformation.

Talk Description: Flow art is a unique art form that combines object manipulation with flowing movements such as dance. Learn how you can combine Flow Art, using objects such as LED lotus flowers, Trance music, and Hypnosis to induce a powerful state of trance the entire audience will love and benefit from.

Scott Duvall

Title: Harnessing Intended Neuroplasticity for Integrated Wholeness: Empowering Lives by Intention

Bio: Scott Duvall loves to mesmerize people while teaching them to utilize the power of their subconscious mind and the transformational abilities of hypnosis. Scott is a certified consulting hypnotist, NLP practitioner, and mindfulness based meditation instructor. Scott has worked in the field of hypnosis and guided imaging for over thirty years, is a member of the NGH, past president and current vice president and fellow of the Oregon Hypnotherapy Association. His practice is located at 2025 SE 50th Ave. in Portland, Oregon; he can be contacted by calling 503 238-4428 or email

Talk Description: In this presentation, we will explore the transformative power of hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and meditation in creating a state of integrated wholeness. By utilizing intended neuroplasticity, we can unlock the potential for brain, conscious, spiritual, and energetic integration. This approach empowers individuals to live a life driven by intention rather than cognitive default. Join us as we delve into the depths of the mind and discover how these techniques can revolutionize personal growth and well-being.

Seth Deborah Roth

Title: Using Hypnosis for Better Surgery Outcomes, Mindset is Everything

Bio: Seth-Deborah is a Nurse Anesthetist and a Clinical Hypnotherapist specializing in Medical /Health Hypnosis. She is a fellow with the National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists and a Certified Hypnosis Instructor with the NGH. She was inducted into the "Order of Braid" with the National Guild of Hypnotists in 2011, in 2012 was included in the Top 100 Nurse Practitioner Round-Up and 2013, she received one the highest awards within the NGH, the "Charles Tebbetts Award". In addition, she received the 2005 Award of Excellence in the field of Health from the International Hypnosis Federation. She has presented at UCSF Integrative Health Forum, the UCSF student elective for Alternative Health class, Samuel Merritt University of Health Sciences, the National Guild of Hypnotists, Hypnothoughts Live, the American Board of Hypnosis, the Institute of Advanced Studies in Health, the Dermatology Nurses Association, Kaiser Hospital in Alameda, St. Rose Hospital, Sutter Health Hospitals Alta Bates, Herrick and Summit in Oakland and Berkeley, Seton Hospital in Daly City, the International Hypnosis Federation, and presented at The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy in London. Some might remember when she became nationally known for her appearance on the Discovery Channel’s “MythBusters” segment on hypnosis. She works internationally via Zoom.

Talk Description: Mindset can change surgical outcomes. Hypnotherapy can alter these mindsets and influence how you enter the pre-op area, your anesthesia experience, your recovery and yes...even your postoperative healing. The studies are out there. I will share experiences from the field as well as my own journey of total joint replacement and how mindset makes a difference. From pre-op weight loss and stop smoking to visualizing outcomes...this is an untapped area for your hypnosis practice

Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas

Title: Great Relationships for Me, You, and Us!

Bio: Award winning Clinical hypnotherapist (for fifty-four years) Dr Shelley is the author of 26 books (4 with Ormond McGill),  President of the International Hypnosis Federation and she trains and certifies hypnotists and coaches world wide. A Hypnosis Hall of Fame inductee, Dr Shelley is a popular adjunct college instructor and media personality, She makes sure that YOU will have an uplifting juicy experience to be on the top of your game.

Talk Description: 

Sherry Gilbert

Title: Developing Trust & Resilience When the World Seems Scary

Bio: Sherry Gilbert has a passion for teaching and mentoring, and she brings that energy into the classroom. She is a self-proclaimed 'research nerd' and loves to dive into research and figure out how we can use it in a hypnotherapy practice.

Talk Description: In the last few years, I've found myself speaking with so many clients who were feeling betrayed, that their trust had been broken. Their trust in their elected officials, their trust that everything would be okay, their trust that their children had a future, their trust that they could pay their bills, their trust in their family members, employers, friends. It felt as though for a very large number of people, we'd hit some type of psychic overload and even those who had been coping well had just reached their limit. Their trust that tomorrow would get better was broken. I decided I needed to have a better approach. This workshop is the culmination of my research, including the coaching and hypnotherapy approach to healing this crises and rebuilding hope, trust and resilience.

Simone Seol

Title: Creating a million-dollar business (without the sleaze)


Talk Description: Yes, it’s doable. Forget business as usual. You don’t need to find millions of followers, do schlocky things, or work yourself to death to make big money. I’ll teach you how to find a sustainable path to making a million dollars or more in your business — in a way that fits your personality, lifestyle, and values. Because you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your soul and integrity for cash. I’ve made over 10 million dollars in my business in the past 5 years. I’ll spill the beans on how I did it, and share everything I know from networking with many other 7- and 8-figure earners.

Steve Roehm

Title: Hypnosis Without Pants

Bio: Steve Roehm has been studying and practicing hypnotherapy for almost 25 years. His extensive knowledge of Conversational changework and his love of sharing it with other is obvious in his teaching. "Highly recommended," says Steve.

Talk Description: How to create a freedom lifestyle while changing lives with Hypnotherapy.

Terry Blome

Title: If they like you, they will do anything for you.

Bio: I am primarily a comedy stage hypnotist. I also teach Rapid and Instant inductions where I not only discuss technique but also what is going on in the brain.

Talk Description: This is an open discussion on how do you get volunteers to "want" to come in stage.

Nicholas Spohn

Title: Boundaries Broken, Boundaries Built


Talk Description: A workshop to identify the boundary breakers in your life (you may be one of them), discover your current boundary patterns, or lack thereof, and build a rock solid boundary framework in your subconscious mind. Claim your power, cast off people pleasing, expel manipulators and finally stick up for yourself and live your best life. 

Thomas Bell

Title: Love Medicine: How MDMA Assisted Therapy for Trauma, Relationship and Spiritual Ex

Bio: From a self-made millionaire via door-to-door commission sales, to spending six weeks in silent mediation in India, Thomas Bell is an award-winning Communications Expert. He has taught courses University of Arizona, where he earned his Masters Degree and consulted for Fortune 500 organizations and international non profits. Emotional Intelligence, Ethical Influence, Transformational Leadership, and Mindful Communication are a few of his favorite topics. The common thread is his uncanny ability to enter the world of the person in front of him and draw upon a lifetime of learning to serve their very highest intentions. His training style is energetic, warm and unconventional, and is committed to creating life-changing experiences for his audience, and transformation for his private clients.

Talk Description: Love Medicine: MDMA-Assisted Therapy For Trauma, Couples Work and Spiritual Exploration. Slated for legalization in June, 2024, MDMA Assisted Therapy is the most potent form of transformation on the planet today. It is uniquely suited for hypnosis, NLP, and therapeutic sessions over Zoom. Unlike other psychedelic experiences (done with a headphones and an eye mask) under the influence of MDMA, the client remains lucid and engaged, with the pre-frontal cortex stimulated and the amygdala taken offline. We conduct processes, lead discussions, do change work and revisit traumatic events with ease. Clients have one of the most impactful days of their entire life. The changes are profonde and permaent. Before MDMA was made illegal in 1985, it was developed for therapeutic purposes. California Psychotherapist Jonathan Robinson was earning his Master’s Degree, researching trauma. Since that time, he has conducted over 600 MDMA journeys. And has never had a single problem with legality. 83% of his severe PTSD clients no longer met the requirements for PTSD sixty days after a single five-hour zoom session. That number goes up to 88% after one year. I am a recent graduate of Jonathan Robinson’s certification course, am seeing clients today. The results border on miraculous. Addictions dissolve. Wounds heal. And trauma has finally met its match. This is a miracle drug for our time. MDMA has entered Phase III trials and has been classified as Breakthrough Drug by the FDA. The DEA is in stand down mode. With 27 veteran suicides a day, your local police department is not concerned with a single MDMA pill. Sympathetic laboratories, associated with major universities, ship the 100% pure medicine to my clients’ home address for $45. We conduct an intake, a week later a five-hour zoom session, and then one or more integration sessions. Scott, lot to unpack here. Please, have an open mind. And watch this video. Please call me if you have any questions.

Thomas Quinlan

Title: Clinical Interview

Bio: Dr Quinlan is a clinical psychologist and hypnotherapist helping adults, geriatrics and children with emotional and mental issues with over 25 years of experience. These include depression, anxiety, trauma, addictions, behavior issues, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders working individually, couples and families.

Talk Description: This workshop will go through the process of conducting a good clinical interview. Focusing on the steps of how to gather information in an organized way starting from the Identified Problem through the developmental history of a person. Lean how to organize the clinical interview from birth to the present, using a systematic approach to asking questions and how to illustrate the way early life experiences can have a dramatic effect on current issues. The workshop will focus on the importance of the clinical interview and how to bridge the gap between these early experiences the current Identifying Problem to better facilitate change in the hypnosis process.

Timothy September

Title: Enter the Loop - A New Approach to Conversational Hypnosis

Bio: If you haven't heard of Timothy September - that's fair. He's the Head of Coaching with the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy, a Board Certified Hypnotherapist, Founder of Enter the Loop, and Co-Founder of Pykthos. Interested in learning more about a new approach to hypnosis sessions and conversational hypnosis? Timothy September is the kind of person you'd want to hear about, then!

Talk Description: What would happen if you did your hypnosis sessions backwards? How less stressful would it be if you could all-but-solve your clients issues at the beginning of the session, rather than relying on a specific hypnosis technique or script? Enter the Loop aims to give you an easy to understand approach to doing effective conversational hypnosis without ever needing scripts or specific language patterns to create change.

TJ Ziebell

Title: Will you "Wait to Date" to Find Your Mate?

Bio: As someone who grew up in a very small town in central Minnesota, Todd “T.J.” Ziebell developed a lifelong interest in learning along with a love of travel and teaching. All of that brought him to San Diego in 2007, where his path finally crossed with David Snyder at the San Diego Hypnosis Institute in 2015. Since then, T.J. has immersed himself in studying the art of Therapeutic Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming at the Institute, along with the many other modalities and techniques that David and his peers offer. T.J. has been offering his services in the clinic and over Skype since early 2017. He has had success not only locally but in multiple countries with his talents. His extremely varied professional background allows him to easily and quickly relate to and communicate with people from virtually all walks of life. And as an International Trainer and Coach, he continually strives to enhance his ongoing education opportunities. T.J.’s clientele includes: -professional athletes working to overcome performance anxiety or increase their performance -college students struggling with study habits or performance on tests -individuals dealing with phobias, anxiety, depression or self-esteem issues -clients working to overcome procrastination or other self-defeating habits -people facing relationship challenges or blocks -those looking to enhance their personal or professional relationships

Talk Description: I will be teaching the fundamentals of my very successful "Wait To Date" Protocol. And how it is now morphing beyond relationship goals but also into Job Searches and Manifesting a Better Tribe.

Tracy Riley

Title: Ethical Hypnosis

Bio: Dr. Tracy Riley has a bachelor's degree in Social Work, a Master's Degree in Social Work, and a doctorate in clinical psychology. She has been conducting hypnosis sessions for 10 years.

Talk Description: Join our one-hour class on ethical hypnosis to explore the principles and guidelines that ensure responsible and respectful use of hypnotherapy techniques. This session will delve into the importance of promoting an ethical approach to hypnosis. Learn how to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct in your hypnotherapy practice, prioritizing the well-being and trust of your clients.

Tommy Vee

Title: ‘The Hand Clasp Experiment’

Bio: For over 30 years, Tommy has made thousands of exciting hypnosis presentations at many fairs, corporations, universities and luxurious resorts. Tommy's style is very similar to Jerry Valley, who was known as America's Most Captivating Hypnotist. Tommy is the son of Jerry and grew up in the hypnosis business. His credits also include shows at the Indian Head Resort, the Four Seasons Hotel, the Pepsi Bottling Group, Century 21, the Falmouth Yacht Club, the Georgia State Fair, Boston College and the University of Massachusetts. Tommy is also a Clinical Hypnotist, a Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists and an Instructor with the Ultimate Stage Hypnosis Seminar. He is the owner of Valley Hypnosis in Methuen, Massachusetts. Here he helps people make changes.

Talk Description: Learn how to use this powerful challenge to attract the best subjects at your shows and at your hypnosis lectures.

Rich Guzzi

Title: MASTERING THE ART OF PERFORMING HYPNOSIS: Unlock Your Full Potential and Captivate Any Audience


Talk Description:

Why Every Hypnotist Should Master Performance Hypnosis and How to Do It with Confidence and Ease

Imagine turning your hypnosis sessions into captivating performances that leave a lasting impression. Whether you're in front of one person or a thousand, mastering the art of performance hypnosis will elevate your practice and position you as a true authority in your field. By infusing a touch of Hollywood flair into your hypnosis techniques, you can become the star of your own show and command the attention and admiration of your audience.

Here's What You'll Gain:

  • Transform Clients into Ambassadors: Learn the secrets to creating unforgettable experiences that turn your clients into passionate advocates for your practice.
  • Unshakable Confidence: Develop the skills and confidence to hypnotize deeply and effectively every single time, ensuring remarkable results for your clients.
  • Media Magnetism: Discover how to shine on TV, radio, and other media platforms, leaving audiences mesmerized and eager to learn more about your services.
  • Profitable Performances: Uncover the strategies to perform hypnosis shows that not only captivate but also serve as powerful marketing tools, effectively advertising your business.
  • Dynamic Demonstrations: Master the art of delivering incredible hypnosis demonstrations to groups, showcasing your expertise and attracting new clients.

Who Should Attend:

This class is perfect for those who want to:

  • Elevate their hypnosis practice by adding performance elements.
  • Gain the confidence to hypnotize with ease and impact.
  • Become a media sensation and expand their reach.
  • Create shows that double as marketing platforms.
  • Deliver awe-inspiring demonstrations to large groups.

Note: If you believe stage hypnosis has no place in the industry and prefer to remain where you are, this class is not for you.

Join us and become the Celebrity Hypnotist you were always meant to be. Elevate your practice, captivate your audience, and create a massive impact!