Sandra Grace

Sandra Grace, a trailblazer in the art and science of truly integrative approaches to results driven client based modalities has been a certified teacher and coach since 1992 with several awards and distinctions in her fields. As she is saging and aging, she teaches Master Teachers, coaches Integrative Coaches and is passionate about helping entrepreneurs manage their energy as a Business Coach and Mentor.

What You’ll Learn

Integrative Kundalini Reiki Certification

Go beyond linear hypnosis sessions and incorporate this ancient practice of moving energy easily and effectively. Find a new level of freedom for your clients in using our integrative protocol to fit all niches. In this 2 day – pre-conference course students will experience Kundalini Reiki, give and receive sessions as well as reiki attunements for level I, II, and level III/master. Leave this session having… -experienced Integrative Kundalini Reiki -learned and demonstrated Integrative Kundalini Reiki protocol -learned history and lineage of Kundalini Reiki and the Integrative parameters -with an understanding of how to apply these protocols in your current practice